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H E L L O ! My name is Naomi Shiek (pronounced CHIC).
I've been very fortunate to have my own small independent atelier called Woodland Papercuts. This is my private blog exploring my favorite things in beauty & design.

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Monday, 9 December 2013

the most amazing instagram account

I never found Facebook and other social networks addicting. The closest I got was Livejournal, purely for the overwhelming creative fannish community on there (Lord of the Rings! Supernatural!) But now that I have Instagram, I think I finally get it. It's addictive! I keep checking for updates, beautiful photos from creatives that I follow, inspiration and gossip. My iphone tab was worth simply for that app.

Inspired by emmadime's Insta-Discoveries (thanks Emma, I found many new creatives to follow after from your posts!) I decided to recommend you my favorite new instagram account: @NATURE. The awe-inspiring photos the account publishes (collected from various sources, all with full credit) are a daily highlight.

IMAGES (CLOCK-WISE, FROM TOP LEFT)Ladybower Reservoir, England; Photography by ©Earthwatcher | Stunning Rice Terraces of Northeast of Vietnam; Photography by ©Sarawut Intarob | Somewhere in South Africa; Photography by ©Michael PolizaNice to meet you; Photography by ©Nikolai Zinoviev | Castle in Germany floating above the Clouds; Photography by ©Robin Holler | Deers in forest during autumn; Photography by ©Alex Saber


(excerpt from my work blog, Woodland Papercuts)

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