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H E L L O ! My name is Naomi Shiek (pronounced CHIC).
I've been very fortunate to have my own small independent atelier called Woodland Papercuts. This is my private blog exploring my favorite things in beauty & design.

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Monday, 26 January 2015

Artful Instagram (2nd edition)

INSTAGRAM is a treasure trove of creatives sharing their work & life with the world. Illustrators, painters, and multi-disciplinary amateurs, there's no end to the inspiration shared and found on that social network. Below is the second part of my favorites list (first part can be found HERE): 

 @FERAL_KID | Joao Ruas is an artist I've been following for years. Last year he opened a very celebrated exhibition titled VERSO at Thinkspace gallery in LA, which had been lauded by every other artist and art enthusiast I've been following. A good reason to buy a plane ticket to LA, if ever!

@ZOEKELLER | There's something about the way Zoe Keller draws that fascinates me. It looks hypnotizing. The subject matter itself is so macabre and fragile, it's a beautiful clash of imagery in my mind, I can't look away. 

@CRAWW | I have one of his gorgeous graphite and gold leaf drawings in a pride of place in my bedroom. The guy is amazingly prolific, seems like he's drawing every day, and loving it! I much prefer his pencil work over his paintings, he has a very theatrical shading palette, and a good eye for details and composition. 

1 comment

  1. This is a gorgeous roundup! I personally love Zoe Keller's work. I also follow @CRAOLA on Instagram, another one of my faves.


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