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H E L L O ! My name is Naomi Shiek (pronounced CHIC).
I've been very fortunate to have my own small independent atelier called Woodland Papercuts. This is my private blog exploring my favorite things in beauty & design.

L E T S__B E__F R I E N D S !
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Saturday, 15 October 2016


I'm posting now to prove that even this blog can be a phoenix and rise from the ashes of... Honestly, I just forgot about this space. Which is fair, because I also forgot about my business blog, so see, it evens out.

I've looked at my drafts folder, and there are 15 makeup posts saved in there from April of last year. I don't remember what makeup I wore then, but apparently I loved false lashes and had much to say about other beauty finds, like lip balm. Seems moot to post all these now, since my favourite lip balm is different, I've found a mascara that can hold a curl, and also I've finally found foundations and concealers for my pale skin (no more orange face at age 30! Woot! Woot!) - Not that it stops me from loading online carts with other options, but a gal can go insane watching makeup collection vids on youtube.

My obsessions have indeed changed somewhat. My wallet, for a short while, thanked me. First of all, I spend hours online scouting furniture that I'm never going to buy. Partly because it'll cost a fortune to get to my house, but mostly because I am commitment-phobe (Yes, with furniture). Also, sitting on the floor isn't so bad. But my latest money pit is buying pinup-style clothes online. See, I gained a bit of weight when I turned 30 (I was shocked, too!) and gave away a lot of clothes I hardly wore. I was so proud of myself! Then I spent a few months in nothing bout lounge wear (not ashamed), and then found online shops for retro style clothes (god damn you Top Vintage!). So naturally I went from a capsule wardrobe to spending thousands on clothes I don't need. Why?! I work from home. Really, when am I ever out of pyjamas? It hurts, ya'll.

So, I didn't die. Just went stupid. I do miss those livejournal days when I blabbered on and on online about life and hobbies. Now instead I spend days - DAYS! - looking for the best vanity mirror online (you know, the kind that looks glamorous, but magnifies your skin to a degree you want to kill yourself? That one.) and frankly, who in their right mind would want to read about that? I don't even want to live through it!

Yeah, ok, I'll write about it. Give me a year.

Photo taken at dear friends' wedding, circa 2014

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