This might be an ill-conceived overshare, but between 2014 and 2015 I had awesome business growth (nearly %62) but between 2015 and 2016 I earned less (an %8 drop). This is worrying for a business starting out. What happened? What did I do wrong? Is it because new vendors offering similar services have cropped up? Am I not different / special enough? Are my products not good enough to stand the test of time?! - So many questions big and small, and all falling on my shoulders. What Can I do to Change This? The projected earnings for this year seem to indicate a rise so 2016 will be just a dip - but I don't like that dip and I don't know what I did wrong to cause/facilitate it. Earning the same as years past is respectable - but a young business should rise in sales, not stagnant.
I have to admit I am struggling in my decision making, when I take the time to think about how much WOODLAND PAPERCUTS has grown and where I'd like to take it. The studio grew organically without much business input from me. I just put my head down and cut. But now it's been a few years and I realize this is a real business, my only source of income, and I should treat it as such - protect and cultivate it. That's when I get stumped. I mean, I'm much more a follower than a leader, and I don't know how and where and again how I should start. What should change? How should it change?
I read other #girlbosses talking about changing their businesses, taking them in bigger, better, other directions than they initially thought they would be years ago. Myself, I never conceptualized, set a goal, or prophesied anyting for the studio when I started - except to be financially secure. Had no business plan except Draw > Cut > Ship. Had no business philosophy except Be Kind. Be Patient. Be Informative. They stood me well so far, but I realize I need to consider all the foundations now, before my sales go backwards.
A branding & consulting studio I've been following for years now is AEOLIDIA. Besides the difficult name, the founder is a genius (in italics, that's how much). Like Emily and Orlando, Aeolidia's founder and director Arianne comes across as very open, honest, friendly, relatable, and smart. Everything I wish I could be in my own online persona. I've been reading her newsletter and periodically browsing her portfolio for insights - and there are plenty! If you're in a creative business rut of any kind I urge you to take a look, read the blog, join the facebook group, the lot.
Aeolidia is out of my price range for now, so I'm going to take in all the wisdom she shares freely and not only spend days posing questions and answers to myself - but actually get off my butt and implement my ideas! WHO'S WITH ME?
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