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H E L L O ! My name is Naomi Shiek (pronounced CHIC).
I've been very fortunate to have my own small independent atelier called Woodland Papercuts. This is my private blog exploring my favorite things in beauty & design.

L E T S__B E__F R I E N D S !
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Saturday, 31 December 2016

Farewell 2016

2016 was not a good year. It honestly seemed to be a bad year on a depressing level for nearly everyone. Really up there with despairing of humanity. Mine started really bad but even-keeled at the end, mainly because I decided to forget the first half. Then November happened (anyone else spend it in bed?) and it took my family (and holiday shopping) to make me get over it. 
So, I'm happy to welcome a new year, clean and fresh out of the box! Yes, it comes with '16's baggage, but don't we all? So from me to you, 
and may this one be better than the last

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