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H E L L O ! My name is Naomi Shiek (pronounced CHIC).
I've been very fortunate to have my own small independent atelier called Woodland Papercuts. This is my private blog exploring my favorite things in beauty & design.

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Thursday, 1 February 2018

quick catch up in 2018

papercut ketubah by Woodland Papercuts. Design: Moon & Flowers
I survived my first 12 hours migraine - YAY! Just wanted to put it out there. I probably deserved it for spending about 2 straight weeks in pyjamas. Good news - I have on real clothes now! So something good came out of it.

I am disappointed with myself that I lost the momentum on social media after I spent weeks in December writing one blog post after another and keeping up with the Johnsons on instagram. I have 2 more scheduled posts on my work blog and then I am all out so I better start drafting new content. It shouldn't be too difficult since I am working on beautiful new designs for clients. I also have about 30 drafts on this blog as well, which has more to do with my unnecessary collection of coats (I do live in the Middle East after all) and my never-ending search for cute shoes (internet shopping has failed me!). But at least I popped over here to throw a line at you about the near-death pain I experienced last weekend, right? Just thinking about it gives me an echo headache, I swear.

Back to papercutting. I can be found on instagram most days if you're wondering, though I can't say I do it well. I'd still love to see you there! Anyone else concentrating on one online domain at a time? Which is your guilty pleasure? 

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