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H E L L O ! My name is Naomi Shiek (pronounced CHIC).
I've been very fortunate to have my own small independent atelier called Woodland Papercuts. This is my private blog exploring my favorite things in beauty & design.

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Monday, 20 April 2015

Argan Oil - a Miracle serum for my skin

I bought this on a whim after reading a blog post about The Moroccan Argan Oil Company on my bloglovin' feed (can' find the blog or the post again, sorry!), and finding this article on the benefits of argan oil for skin. I have very sensitive combination skin, which means I have breakouts, uneven skin tone, and my skin is both oily and dehydrated in different zones. I think it's called Combination Oily Dry? How about Just A Nightmare?

I received my 50mil bottle yesterday, and I'm not kidding - I already feel and see a difference! The oil is goo-ey and sticky when first rubbed on the skin, but settles into a silky smooth canvas. It also gives me a subtle glow like I'm using a radiance primer. My cheeks aren't as pink, which I think is because the oil protects me against the heater blast (damn winter!) and I swear my one pesky acne scar looks less pigmented today after 2 uses of the oil.

As a skin treatment and makeup primer, this is a 5 stars investment in my eyes, at a quarter of the price of other serums and creams that profess to do the same, I'm so happy I gambled on this!


UPDATE: Since writing this last month I also read this review by Shameless Fripperies on her favorite face oils, and consequently bought Trilogy's Rosehip Oil, and I love it, too! I mix it with my Argan oil and concentrate its application on my acne scars.

1 comment

  1. Oh wow. I like the idea of mixing it with the rosehip oil. Have you found that it gets rid of your scars better than anything else? I have a few acne scars too that are really bothering me. I'm in love with argan oil for my hair and want to experiment with my face too. Thanks for sharing this handy little insight. Love your blog, hope you like mine as you've inspired me so much over the last couple of months :)


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